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Pricing Table

To sell your product to your customers, you need to tell them what plans you offer, what features are in each plan, and how much they cost. You can share this information easily using our pricing tables.


You can't create a Pricing Table until you have first generated an API Key.


  1. Select Products from the navigation menu on the left-hand side.
  2. Select the Menu icon next to the product you wish to get the pricing table for.
  3. Select the Pricing Table tab.
  4. You can see a preview of the pricing table on this table. If needed, you can view the pricing table in a new browser tab. You can check the links to the checkout in the preview.
  5. Select if you want the pricing table in a light or dark theme. This change is reflected in the code you can copy.
  6. Below the preview, you will find the code for the pricing table. In either Vanilla JS or React.
  7. Paste the Pricing Table into your webpage or app.