Taking payments
Checkout links offer the quickest and simplest way to accept payments from your users.
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- cURL
import { getCheckoutLink } from '@salable/js'
const { checkoutUrl } = await getCheckoutLink({
apiKey: 'your-salable-api-key',
planUuid: 'your-salable-plans-uuid',
successUrl: 'https://your.app/payment-success'
cancelUrl: 'https://your.app/payment-cancelled',
granteeId: 'your-grantees-id',
member: 'your-purchasers-id',
// 👇 optional, the shortname of the currency to be used - defaults to
// product-wide default currency.
currency: 'EUR',
// 👇 optional, if you're using per-seat billing - this will be the number of
// seats purchased. Defaults to plans minimum seat count.
quantity: 10,
// Now you are free to present this `checkoutLink` to your user however you see
// fit.
// Don't forget to: npm install @salable/node-sdk
import { Salable } from '@salable/node-sdk';
const salable = new Salable('your-salable-api-key', 'v2');
const { checkoutUrl } = await salable.plans.getCheckoutLink('your-plan-uuid', {
successUrl: 'https://example.com/success',
cancelUrl: 'https://your.app/cancel',
granteeId: 'your-grantees-id',
member: 'your-purchasers-id',
// 👇 optional, the shortname of the currency to be used - defaults to
// product-wide default currency.
currency: 'EUR',
// 👇 optional, if you're using per-seat billing - this will be the number of
// seats purchased. Defaults to plans minimum seat count.
quantity: 10,
Optional parameters
is the shortname of the currency you want to use at checkout, this
defaults to the currency set on the product.
is the number of seats you want to sell if you're using a per-seat
billing model, it will default to the minimum seat count set on the plan.
-H 'x-api-key: YOUR_SALABLE_API_KEY'
-H 'version: v2'
For per-seat plans
On successful payment, the first seat will be assigned to the granteeId
provided - the rest will be unassigned.
To assign the rest of the seats, you can update the licenses.