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Version: Node SDK

Update Many Licenses

This method updates many Licenses with the values passed into the body of the request.

Code Sample

import { Salable } from '@salable/node-sdk';

const salable = new Salable('{{API_KEY}}');

const updatedLicenses = await salable.licenses.updateMany([
{ granteeId: 'userId_1', uuid: '{{LICENSE_UUID_ONE}}' },
{ granteeId: 'userId_2', uuid: '{{LICENSE_UUID_TWO}}' },


updateManyConfig (required)

Type: IUpdateManyLicenseInput[]

All config options which can be passed in to this method

uuid (required)

Type: string

The uuid of the license to be updated

granteeId (required)

Type: string or null

The value of the new granteeId. To un-assign a license set the granteeId to null.

Return Type

For more information about this request see our API documentation on licenses object