📄️ Get All Subscriptions
Returns a list of all the subscriptions created by your Salable organization.
📄️ Get One Subscription
Returns the details of a single subscription.
📄️ Change a Subscription's Plan
Move a Subscription to a new Plan. Proration behaviour can optionally be set.
📄️ Get Subscription Invoices
Returns a list of invoices for a subscription.
📄️ Get Switchable Plans for a Subscribed User
Returns the details of a single subscription.
📄️ Cancel a Subscription
Cancels a Subscription with options for when it terminates.
📄️ Get a Subscription Update Payment Link
Returns the update payment link for a specific subscription.
📄️ Get a Customer Portal Link for a Subscription
Returns the customer portal link for a subscription.
📄️ Get Cancel Subscription Link
Returns a link to cancel a specific subscription.
📄️ Get a Subscription Payment Method
Returns the payment method used to pay for a subscription.
📄️ Reactivate a Subscription
This method reactivates a subscription scheduled for cancellation before the billing period has passed.
📄️ Increment Subscription Seats
Adds seats to a Subscription. Initially the seats will be unassigned. To assign granteeIds to the seats use the update many method.
📄️ Remove Subscription Seats
Remove seats from a Subscription. Seats can only be removed if they are unassigned. To unassign seats use the update many method to set the granteeId of each seat to null.
📄️ Update Subscription
Update properties on a subscription.