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Version: Node SDK

Get All Subscriptions

Returns a list of all the subscriptions created by your Salable organization.

Code Sample

import { Salable } from '@salable/node-sdk';

const salable = new Salable('{{API_KEY}}', 'v2');

const subscription = await salable.subscriptions.getAll();



Type: GetSubscriptionOptions

statusstringThe status of the subscription, e.g. "ACTIVE" "CANCELED"
emailstringThe email of who purchased the subscription
ownerstringThe owner of the subscription
cursorstringCursor value, used for pagination
takenumberThe amount of subscriptions to fetch. Default: 20
productUuidstringFilter subscriptions by product
planUuidstringFilter subscriptions by plan
sortstringSorts by expiryDate field. Default ('asc'). Enum: 'asc' | 'desc'

Return Type

For more information about this request see our API documentation on Subscription Object