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Version: Node SDK

Get All Subscriptions

Returns a list of all the subscriptions created by your Salable organization.

Code Sample

import { Salable } from '@salable/node-sdk';

const salable = new Salable('{{API_KEY}}', 'v2');

const subscription = await salable.subscriptions.getAll();



Type: GetSubscriptionOptions

statusstringThe status of the subscription, e.g. "ACTIVE" "CANCELED"
emailstringThe email of who purchased the subscription
cursorstringCursor value, used for pagination
takenumberThe amount of subscriptions to fetch. Default: 20
productUuidstringFilter subscriptions by product
planUuidstringFilter subscriptions by plan
sortstringSorts by expiryDate field. Default ('asc'). Enum: 'asc' | 'desc'

Return Type

For more information about this request see our API documentation on Subscription Object