Get Licenses for a Purchaser
Returns licenses for a purchaser on a product
Code Sample
import { Salable } from '@salable/node-sdk';
const salable = new Salable('{{API_KEY}}', 'v2');
const licenses = await salable.licenses.getForPurchaser({purchaser: 'purchaser_1', productUuid: 'e7682a81-dd25-4e09-9f64-eebd00194b38', status: 'ACTIVE'});
getForPurchaserOptions (required)
Type: GetPurchasersLicensesOptions
Option | Type | Description | Required |
purchaser | string | The purchaser of the licenses to fetch for | ✅ |
productUuid | string | The UUID of the product | ✅ |
status | string | Filter by license status | ❌ |
Return Type
For more information about this request see our API documentation on License Object