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Version: Node SDK

Get Pricing Table for a Product

Returns all necessary data on a Product to be able to display a pricing table. Every active plan on the product will be added to the table in the sort order of free plans, paid plans price, and then coming soon plans.

Code Sample

Required parameters

import { Salable } from '@salable/node-sdk';

const salable = new Salable('{{API_KEY}}');

const pricingTable = await salable.products.getPricingTable('7827727d-6fa9-46e6-b865-172ccda6f5a4', {
granteeId: '',


productUuid (required)

Type: string

The UUID of the Product to build the pricing table for

queryParams (required)

Type: PricingTableParameters

Below is the list of properties than can be used in the queryParams argument.

granteeIdThe unique identifier for the grantee
currencyUses the currency short name e.g USD, defaults to the default currency on the product which the plan is linked to

Return Type

For more information about this request see our API documentation on Product Pricing Table Object