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Manage seats

Add or remove seats from free plans or paid subscriptions.

Add seats

The process to add seats varies depending on whether it is a paid subscription or a free plan.

Free plan

Adding seats to a free plan is done by creating ad hoc licenses associated with the plan.

All seats created are unassigned by default. If you want to assign them, you will need to update the licenses.

import { Salable } from '@salable/node-sdk';
const salable = new Salable('your-salable-api-key', 'v2');
await salable.subscriptions.addSeats('your-subscription-uuid', {
increment: 2,

Remove seats

The process to remove seats varies depending on whether it is a paid subscription or a free license.


Only unassigned seats can be removed.

Free plan

import { Salable } from '@salable/node-sdk';

const salable = new Salable('your-salable-api-key', 'v2');
await salable.licenses.cancelMany({uuids: ['a-license-uuid', 'a-license-uuid']});

Do not modify subscriptions directly through Stripe, always manage them through the Salable API/SDKs to avoid issues.

import { Salable } from '@salable/node-sdk';

const salable = new Salable('your-salable-api-key', 'v2');
await salable.subscriptions.removeSeats('your-subscription-uuid', {
decrement: 2,

Ensure that the number of seats being removed doesn't take the number of active seats below the minimum set on the plan.